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Regarding an application for one-time payment of symbolic compensation for the private real property expropriated in Lithuania during the occupation of totalitarian regimes Added 2023-03-07 The Good Will Foundation invites the eligible Holocaust survivors and their heirs to submit an application for one-time payment of compensation for the private real property expropriated in Lithuania during the occupation of totalitarian regimes.
January 13th - Day of the Defenders of Freedom Added 2022-01-13 On 13 January the world and ourselves are reminded of the fearless determination of the Lithuanian people to defend their independence and future of their State in the face of military aggression. That day in 1991 people did not give up, unarmed...
Lithuanian Culture Day in Tampere Added 2021-11-17 On 16 November 2021  Kaunas name was in the air in Tampere as the program devoted to present Kaunas - the European Capital of Culture 2022 (KEKS 2022) - took place in this Finnish city. The programme encompassed presentation “A Teleport to...
Commemorating centenary of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Finland Added 2021-10-14 On 14 October Lithuania and Finland are celebrating the Centenary of de jure diplomatic relations.
Polish-Lithuanian commemoration of the 230th anniversary of the Constitution of 3 May and Mutual Pledge of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations Added 2021-06-08 On June 2, Mr. Giedrius Kazakevičius, Ambassador of Lithuania to Finland, and Mr. Piotr Rychlik, Ambassador of Poland to Finland, met Ms. Johanna Ojala-Niemelä, Chairperson of the Constitutional Law Committee of the Eduskunta of Finland, as well...
The 230th Anniversary of the Polish-Lithuanian Constitution of 3 May 1791 Added 2021-05-04 The Constitution of 3 May 1791 and the mutual Pledge of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations laid the foundations for the civic political identity in Lithuania and Poland. The ideas and the spirit of the Constitution continue to inspire our...
State Day of Lithuania on July 6 Added 2019-07-06 State Day of Lithuania, also known as the day of the coronation of King Mindaugas, is a public holiday in Lithuania celebrated annually on 6 July. It marks an anniversary of the coronation of King Mindaugas, the first and only King of Lithuania,...
Vilnius’ Christmas Tree Starts the Countdown to Christmas Added 2018-12-01 The Lighting of the Christmas Tree Marks the Beginning of the Holiday Season in Lithuania’s Capital Anticipation was high leading up to the annual lighting of the Christmas tree at Vilnius’ Cathedral Square this evening. Lithuania’s capital has...
Organ music concert on November 23rd at 6 PM, at Musiikkitalo Added 2018-11-21 You are cordially invited to the organ music concert by prof. Renata Marcinkutė-Lesieur, who is one of the most famous Lithuanian performers of such music. The concert will take place on November 23rd at 6 PM, at Organo Hall of Helsinki Music...
Congratulations on Centenary, dear Latvia! / Apsveicam, dārgā Latvija! Added 2018-11-18 Congratulations on Centenary, dear Latvia! / Apsveicam, dārgā Latvija!